Lonnel Coats announces retirement from Lexicon; Another shakeup in Vir’s C-suite

Lex­i­con Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals CEO Lon­nel Coats will re­tire Ju­ly 7, 10 years to the day af­ter ac­cept­ing the job. Lex­i­con over­came nu­mer­ous reg­u­la­to­ry ob­sta­cles with its SGLT1/2 in­hibitor so­tagliflozin to earn an FDA ap­proval for heart dis­ease on May 26, 2023, and the treat­ment is now mar­ket­ed as In­pe­fa. Lex­i­con is giv­ing it an­oth­er go with the drug in type 1 di­a­betes fol­low­ing an FDA re­jec­tion in this in­di­ca­tion; the biotech’s at­tempts to re­verse the CRL al­so fell short. Sanofi backed out of its al­liance with Lex­i­con af­ter the FDA ver­dict on so­tagliflozin.

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