Lonza eyes revenue growth this year after 2023 challenges, plans to close second biologics site in a month

Af­ter a year of nav­i­gat­ing “shift­ing mar­ket dy­nam­ics,” Lon­za re­port­ed on Fri­day it had a 7.9% sales rev­enue in­crease for 2023 com­pared to the pre­vi­ous year. But it is clos­ing an­oth­er bi­o­log­ics fa­cil­i­ty, this time in Chi­na, de­spite this di­vi­sion be­ing one of the com­pa­ny’s main rev­enue dri­vers.

The man­u­fac­tur­er pre­vi­ous­ly evad­ed de­tailed 2024 fore­casts dur­ing its Cap­i­tal Mar­kets Day in Oc­to­ber, but now it reaf­firms its guid­ance for the year, pre­dict­ing a growth mar­gin in the “high twen­ties.” Al­so, its four-year pro­jec­tion is fore­cast at 11% to 13% sales growth, the com­pa­ny said in a re­lease.

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