Lonza, Vertex to build a new cell therapy manufacturing facility for the biotech’s type 1 diabetes therapies

The Swiss con­tract man­u­fac­tur­er Lon­za and Ver­tex plan to build a fa­cil­i­ty de­signed to man­u­fac­ture the biotech’s type 1 di­a­betes cell ther­a­pies in a deal an­nounced days af­ter Ver­tex shared promis­ing, ear­ly da­ta for one of its can­di­dates.

Ver­tex said late Fri­day that two pa­tients with type 1 di­a­betes tak­ing its cell ther­a­py VX-880 re­port­ed a sig­nif­i­cant de­cline in their A1C blood sug­ar lev­els and were no longer us­ing in­sulin as of a cut­off in May.

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