Looking past COPD, Regeneron CSO George Yancopoulos says Dupixent’s ‘next big thing’ is reversing allergies

SAN FRAN­CIS­CO — While Dupix­ent could add a ma­jor new in­di­ca­tion in COPD this year, Re­gen­eron’s long­time top sci­en­tist is al­ready ex­cit­ed by the next bold idea for its im­munol­o­gy block­buster.

George Yan­copou­los, Re­gen­eron’s chief sci­en­tif­ic of­fi­cer, said Dupix­ent’s po­ten­tial to re­verse se­vere al­ler­gies is the “next big thing” for the bi­o­log­ic that is co-de­vel­oped by Re­gen­eron and Sanofi. The $102 bil­lion biotech gi­ant ex­pects to start a small proof-of-con­cept study in hu­mans this year in vol­un­teers with se­vere food al­ler­gies, giv­ing a sin­gle dose of an ex­per­i­men­tal can­cer drug fol­lowed by reg­u­lar in­jec­tions of Dupix­ent.

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