Looking to expand Pyrukynd label, Agios treks toward PhIII in sickle cell disease

Agios Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals said Mon­day that its pill Pyrukynd in­creased lev­els of he­mo­glo­bin in more sick­le cell dis­ease pa­tients than place­bo, and it plans to start a Phase III tri­al lat­er this year.

Pyrukynd is al­ready ap­proved for a rare ge­net­ic dis­ease known as pyru­vate ki­nase de­fi­cien­cy, and Agios is look­ing to ex­pand its la­bel in­to more preva­lent blood dis­eases, such as sick­le cell dis­ease and tha­lassemia.

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