Lung cancer biomarker campaign, launched with AstraZeneca, boosts its reach and adds pharma supporters

The groups are called the MET Cru­saders, the EGFR Re­sis­tors, the KRAS Kick­ers and the ROS1ders — and mem­bers are non small cell lung can­cer pa­tients who share the same bio­mark­ers. The groups, though, are al­so avid can­cer bio­mark­er test­ing ad­vo­cates and sup­port­ers of LUNGevi­ty’s “No One Missed” cam­paign to en­cour­age com­pre­hen­sive test­ing in lung can­cer.

LUNGevi­ty launched the cam­paign with the back­ing of co-found­ing part­ner As­traZeneca more than two years ago, but now in­cludes more than a dozen oth­er sup­port­ing phar­mas such as Am­gen, Bay­er, Sanofi, Dai­ichi-Sankyo, Genen­tech, Mer­ck, Re­gen­eron, Eli Lil­ly, No­var­tis and Take­da.

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