Lupus drug market growing as physicians adopt newer options — and look for more, research finds

With three rel­a­tive­ly new drugs, plus a busy pipeline in both sys­temic lu­pus ery­the­mato­sus (SLE) and lu­pus nephri­tis (LN), the lu­pus mar­ket has been tak­ing off. The LN are­na is es­pe­cial­ly busy now with two com­peti­tors gain­ing steam, but SLE is al­so on physi­cians’ minds with the po­ten­tial for CAR-T cell ther­a­py treat­ment on the hori­zon, ac­cord­ing to re­search from Spher­ix Glob­al In­sights.

While lu­pus CAR-T stud­ies have been around for a few years, the po­ten­tial for now al­most a dozen in de­vel­op­ment, most­ly in Phase I or Phase II stud­ies for both SLE and LN, is gen­er­at­ing some ex­cite­ment among physi­cians, said Spher­ix se­nior in­sights an­a­lyst Sawyer May.

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