Lyell lays off 25% of staff and CMO leaves as company foreshadows first clinical data next year

Lyell Im­munophar­ma is lay­ing off 25% of its work­force, and its chief med­ical of­fi­cer is leav­ing, ac­cord­ing to the Bay Area biotech com­pa­ny’s third-quar­ter re­port.

The com­pa­ny had 274 em­ploy­ees as of De­cem­ber of last year. It de­clined to spec­i­fy how many work­ers are part of the lay­offs.

“We have re­struc­tured our com­pa­ny to pri­or­i­tize in­vest­ment in our clin­i­cal-stage pro­grams and core re­search plat­forms and have stream­lined op­er­a­tions,” Lyell pres­i­dent and CEO Lynn Seely said in a state­ment.

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