MaaT Pharma and CDMO Skyepharma unveil bespoke, and potentially largest, microbiome facility in Europe

MaaT Phar­ma and CD­MO Skyephar­ma have just com­plet­ed build­ing what might be the largest cGMP mi­cro­bio­me fa­cil­i­ty in Eu­rope. Com­plet­ed in 12 months, the 17,200-square-foot fa­cil­i­ty in France was de­signed from scratch to specif­i­cal­ly house the man­u­fac­tur­ing of MaaT’s mi­cro­bio­me can­cer ther­a­pies.

Ly­on, France-based MaaT har­vests stool sam­ples from healthy donors, which are mixed to­geth­er to form a sus­pen­sion and ad­min­is­tered to pa­tients. The biotech has three can­cer as­sets un­der in­ves­ti­ga­tion based on its ap­proach.

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