MacroGenics investigates three patient deaths in Phase 2 prostate cancer drug trial

Macro­Gen­ics re­port­ed on Thurs­day af­ter­noon that three pa­tients died in a mid-stage tri­al of its an­ti­body-drug con­ju­gate for prostate can­cer. Two par­tic­i­pants died due to pneu­moni­tis and the third died from a pleur­al ef­fu­sion.

The biotech’s shares $MGNX plum­met­ed 66% to $4.91 pre­mar­ket on Fri­day.

A to­tal of five pa­tients died in the tri­al, al­though two of the deaths were deemed un­re­lat­ed to vo­brami­ta­m­ab duo­car­mazine, al­so dubbed vo­bra duo. All but one pa­tient in the tri­al had a treat­ment-emer­gent ad­verse event and 33.5% ex­pe­ri­enced a grade 3 or high­er event.

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