Madrigal’s got more positive data for resmetirom, plus news from Aligos and NorthSea

The Amer­i­can As­so­ci­a­tion for the Study of Liv­er Dis­eases is set to hold its an­nu­al Liv­er Meet­ing this week­end in Boston. This morn­ing, we round­ed up some of the late-break­ing da­ta shared in ad­vance of the up­com­ing event.

Madri­gal Ther­a­peu­tics pre­sent­ed more pos­i­tive da­ta from a Phase III tri­al of its NASH drug can­di­date, adding fu­el to the com­pa­ny’s plans to win the first-ever ap­proval in the chal­leng­ing in­di­ca­tion.

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