Mallinckrodt files for bankruptcy for the second time, secures $150M to continue operating

Mallinck­rodt re­ceived a bit of re­lief in bank­rupt­cy court yes­ter­day af­ter a judge ruled it could ac­cess $150 mil­lion to con­tin­ue to pay em­ploy­ees, ven­dors and sup­pli­ers as it tran­si­tions in­to bank­rupt­cy for the sec­ond time in three years and en­ters in­to a re­struc­tur­ing plan.

The US Bank­rupt­cy Court for the Dis­trict of Delaware ap­proved Mallinck­rodt’s mo­tions as part of its Chap­ter 11 pe­ti­tion filed on Aug. 28.

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