Manufacturing roundup: Activist investor reportedly takes stake in Catalent; ProKidney caps off purchase of NC manufacturing site

The ac­tivist share­hold­er El­liott In­vest­ment Man­age­ment has built a stake in the con­tract man­u­fac­tur­er Catal­ent, ac­cord­ing to a re­port from The Wall Street Jour­nal. 

The Jour­nal said Wednes­day that El­liott may be want­i­ng to make a “shake-up” on the board of Catal­ent. Those fa­mil­iar with the mat­ter told the WSJ that El­liott has been speak­ing to di­rec­tor can­di­dates about join­ing nom­i­nees to run in a proxy con­tent.

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