Manufacturing roundup: Cipla recalls albuterol doses over defect in the container; Cell and gene therapy manufacturer secures Series A

Drug­mak­er Cipla is pulling sev­er­al batch­es of its al­buterol off the shelves.

Last week, the drug­mak­er re­called six batch­es of al­buterol sul­fate in­hala­tion aerosol man­u­fac­tured in late 2021. The re­call states that there was a “de­vice de­fect,” which can be life-threat­en­ing. No ad­verse events have been re­lat­ed to the re­call.

A leak­age was re­port­ed in a sin­gle in­haler, and out of cau­tion the man­u­fac­tur­er said it is pulling six to­tal batch­es that were pro­duced around the same time. Cipla is al­so no­ti­fy­ing its cus­tomers and dis­trib­u­tors about the re­call and is ar­rang­ing for prod­uct re­turns and re­place­ment.

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