Manufacturing roundup: Curia secures deal with Touchlight; Gene-focused VectorBuilder hits ‘unicorn status’

CD­MO Cu­ria inked an agree­ment with Torch­light, a mak­er of its own en­zy­mat­ic DNA that will now pro­vide Cu­ria with ac­cess to its ‘dog­gy­bone DNA,’ or dbD­NA.

Fi­nan­cial de­tails of the deal were not dis­closed. The deal gives Cu­ria ac­cess to wider mR­NA man­u­fac­tur­ing of­fer­ings, with Touch­light di­rect­ly man­u­fac­tur­ing the DNA prod­uct on be­half of Cu­ria’s cus­tomers.

Touch­light’s dbD­NA has a schemat­ic struc­ture that’s lin­ear and dou­ble-strand­ed, giv­ing the ap­pear­ance of a dog bone.

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