Manufacturing roundup: Ferring looks to scale up gene therapy; EuroAPI looks to boost production of pain medicine

Fer­ring Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals has been grant­ed a pri­or ap­proval sup­ple­ment for its gene ther­a­py Ad­sti­ladrin. This FDA okay will al­low Fer­ring to scale up pro­duc­tion of the drug at its man­u­fac­tur­ing fa­cil­i­ty in Kuo­pio, Fin­land.

Ad­sti­ladrin, ap­proved by the last year, treats adults with high-risk Bacil­lus Cal­mette-Guérin (BCG)-un­re­spon­sive non-mus­cle in­va­sive blad­der can­cer (NMIBC) with car­ci­no­ma in situ (CIS) with or with­out pap­il­lary tu­mors.

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