MarketingRx roundup: Abbott teams with WeightWatchers for glucose monitoring; Haleon’s Advil starts ‘pain equity’ effort

Ab­bott is part­ner­ing with Weight­Watch­ers (WW) to help di­eters with type 2 di­a­betes bet­ter track their glu­cose lev­els. WW mem­bers can now ac­cess the da­ta from their Freestyle Li­bre 2 con­tin­u­ous glu­cose mon­i­tor (CGM) in­side their di­a­betes di­etary plan app.

Po­si­tion­ing the matchup as “the #1 doc­tor-rec­om­mend­ed weight-loss plan meets the #1 pre­scribed CGM,” the part­ners aim to make liv­ing and eat­ing with di­a­betes more sim­ple. The di­a­betes-tai­lored plan from WW and the Ab­bott CGM blood sug­ar mon­i­tor aim to com­bine weight loss and low­er­ing A1C goals.

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