MarketingRx roundup: AbbVie, Sanofi and Regeneron lead pharma ad spend; BMS launches new equity grants

Ab­b­Vie is lead­ing brand­ed drug ad spend­ing this year with Skyrizi at $415 mil­lion through the first nine months of the year, ac­cord­ing to Vivvix da­ta. Sanofi and Re­gen­eron’s Dupix­ent is in sec­ond at $369 mil­lion, but an­oth­er Ab­b­Vie brand, Rin­voq, is a close third with $357 mil­lion spent so far, ac­cord­ing to the Me­di­aRadar com­pa­ny, with paid so­cial da­ta from Path­mat­ics.

It’s déjà vu all over again fol­low­ing in the steps of Ab­b­Vie an­ti-in­flam­ma­to­ry brand Hu­mi­ra, which led phar­ma spend­ing for years be­fore it lost patent ex­clu­siv­i­ty and Ab­b­Vie re­tired its ad­ver­tis­ing. Ab­b­Vie has long tout­ed Skyrizi and Rin­voq as the next gen­er­a­tion af­ter Hu­mi­ra — and is keep­ing ad spend­ing on a sim­i­lar path.

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