MarketingRx roundup: Americans still divided over Covid boosters; Amgen ramps up activity on Threads

Covid vac­cine mak­ers Pfiz­er, Mod­er­na and No­vavax have all ramped up US mar­ket­ing and ad­ver­tis­ing ef­forts this fall, but some Amer­i­cans still aren’t con­vinced.

A new Ip­sos poll finds 43% of Amer­i­cans are like­ly to get a boost­er, but on­ly 30% are “very like­ly” to get a boost­er shot. Mean­while, a very sol­id 37% said they are “not at all like­ly” to get it. About 6% had al­ready re­ceived a Covid boost­er by the poll tak­en the first week of Oc­to­ber.

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Opinion | Got Raw Milk?

Claire Panosian Dunavan is a professor of medicine and infectious diseases at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA and a past-president of the

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