MarketingRx roundup: Analyst group finds no ‘obvious’ link to GLP-1s and suicidal ideation; Amgen debuts new Prolia TV ad

Last month, the Eu­ro­pean Med­i­cines Agency be­gan look­ing in­to re­ports of sui­ci­dal ideation and thoughts of self-harm by users of GLP-1 med­i­cines such as No­vo Nordisk’s Ozem­pic, We­govy (both semaglu­tide) and Sax­en­da (li­raglu­tide), and now oth­er GLP-1 re­cep­tor ag­o­nists.

While the Eu­ro­pean in­ves­ti­ga­tion is on­go­ing, an­a­lyst group TD Cowen says its own analy­sis of the FDA’s ad­verse events data­base found that with the po­ten­tial ex­cep­tion of Sax­en­da, there was “no ob­vi­ous link” be­tween in­cretin drugs and sui­cide-re­lat­ed events. We­govy and Sax­en­da’s US la­bels do in­clude warn­ings about sui­ci­dal be­hav­ior and ideation.

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