MarketingRx roundup: Novavax promotes vaccines on TikTok; BIO readies for fall podcast season

No­vavax is gear­ing up for fall vac­cine sea­son with a cam­paign that in­cludes Tik­Tok ads and a dev­il’s ad­vo­cate.

In a new 50-sec­ond Tik­Tok video, a man is head­ing out the door to get a vac­cine when his dev­il’s ad­vo­cate (the same man dressed in a red suit with a firey back­ground) ques­tions him about the pro­tein-based vac­cine he’s plan­ning to get. The dev­il char­ac­ter leans in sus­pi­cious­ly, ask­ing, “Aren’t you wor­ried … it’s new?”

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