MarketingRx roundup: Pfizer boosts RSV vaccine Abrysvo campaign; J&J videos spotlight renamed Janssen unit

Pfiz­er’s RSV vac­cine brand cam­paign for Abrys­vo con­tin­ues to roll out with Meta so­cial me­dia ads de­buted last week. The “Every Breath Mat­ters” ad de­buted on TV in Oc­to­ber with a 60-sec­ond spot that is still run­ning. It fo­cus­es on a trum­pet play­er and the 579 breaths she has to show her stuff, the voiceover says, and ad­vis­es view­ers to not let RSV take their breath away.

The new­er Meta ads run­ning on Face­book and In­sta­gram fea­ture the same jazz trum­pet play­er and in­clude a link to the Abrys­vo web­site along with the ad­vice to ask a phar­ma­cist or doc­tor about the vac­cine.

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