MarketingRx roundup: Pfizer jumps on latest TikTok trend; Novo recruits for CagriSema trial across languages

Pfiz­er em­ploy­ees take on Tik­Tok trend: Pfiz­er sci­en­tists and so­cial me­dia man­agers are jump­ing on the cur­rent “We Are” Tik­Tok trend in which peo­ple give hu­mor­ous takes on stereo­types and as­sump­tions on so­ci­etal or job roles. In one video, Pfiz­er sci­en­tists walk by the cam­era, start­ing each sen­tence with “We’re sci­en­tists.” The video plays out in the trend’s for­mat with dif­fer­ent em­ploy­ees chim­ing in, like “We’re sci­en­tists — of course we had mi­cro­scopes as toys,” and “We’re sci­en­tists — we’ve saved the world more times than you can count.” A sec­ond Tik­Tok video fea­tures so­cial me­dia man­agers start­ing with sim­i­lar­ly jok­ing takes.

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