MarketingRx roundup: Pfizer reups baby checkup campaign on socials; BI, Takeda on top employers list

Pfiz­er is re­mind­ing par­ents again that “Ba­by Check­ups Count” with new so­cial me­dia ads and re­cent spon­sored in­flu­encer posts, re­boot­ing its on­go­ing ef­fort that first launched as a pub­lic health aware­ness cam­paign in 2018.

The lat­est Face­book and In­sta­gram ads link to an in­for­ma­tion­al web­site and note that the mes­sage re­minders are spon­sored by both Pfiz­er and the De­troit Ur­ban League. The ads cov­er top­ics from im­mu­niza­tions to chil­dren’s health­care cov­er­age.

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