MarketingRx roundup: Pharma brands get creative on Instagram; J&J reups health equity challenge

A hand­ful of phar­ma brands are us­ing a pop­u­lar nine-square cu­rat­ed puz­zle lay­out on In­sta­gram to show­case larg­er mes­sages to so­cial me­dia users. The lay­out fea­tures art and graph­ics across the nine squares that con­nect to each oth­er to cre­ate one sin­gle mo­bile screen “page.”

The style va­ri­ety among phar­ma mar­keters runs the gamut from tra­di­tion­al and sim­ple — Sanofi and Re­gen­eron’s Dupix­ent, for in­stance, shows the brand and non-pro­pri­etary name in the cen­ter box sur­round­ed by sim­i­lar green tiles all around — to more in­volved im­agery, such as Am­gen’s Ote­zla, which al­so shows the brand and non-pro­pri­etary name in the cen­ter box, but is sur­round­ed by im­ages that bleed across the box­es. Ab­b­Vie has adopt­ed the style across sev­er­al of its phar­ma prod­uct brands, in­clud­ing Rin­voq, Skyrizi and Lo Loestrin.

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