MarketingRx roundup: Sanofi teases #DefeatMeningitis on social; Moderna launches mRNAMonday series on Threads

Sanofi is pro­mot­ing a se­cret on so­cial me­dia. Its chan­nels on In­sta­gram and Tik­Tok (the sec­ond of which just launched last month) have post­ed teas­er videos with a “com­ing Au­gust 28” promise and a #De­feat­Menin­gi­tis hash­tag.

One video calls out three of the Par­a­lympic ath­letes on the com­pa­ny’s Team Sanofi Paris 2024, along with the Menin­gi­tis Re­search Foun­da­tion and the Con­fed­er­a­tion of Menin­gi­tis Or­ga­ni­za­tions (Co­MO) and their com­ing to­geth­er for the mys­tery re­veal.

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