MarketingRx roundup: Study finds generic drugs gain ground, but docs still prefer brands; Pfizer lauded at AACR

Gener­ic drugs still passed over for brands, study finds: While more doc­tors are pre­scrib­ing gener­ic drugs, the ma­jor­i­ty of doc­tors still pre­fer brand name drugs, ac­cord­ing to a new Glob­al­Da­ta sur­vey. Al­most 40% of physi­cians would pre­scribe brand­ed drugs for pa­tients if cost wasn’t a fac­tor. Mar­ket re­search head Urte Jaki­mavi­ciute not­ed the con­tin­ued im­por­tance of drug mar­ket­ing and brand loy­al­ty which “plays a cru­cial role in the phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal in­dus­try, as it im­pacts the gen­er­a­tion of sales and rev­enue, as well as acts as an en­try bar­ri­er to com­peti­tors once patent pro­tec­tion ex­pires.”

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