MarketingRx roundup: Vertex, CRISPR get unintended role in SNL skit; Real Chemistry and cancer society debut AI effort

NBC’s late night show “Sat­ur­day Night Live” is no stranger to pok­ing fun at the phar­ma in­dus­try, es­pe­cial­ly its ad­ver­tis­ing. How­ev­er, the lat­est SNL bio­phar­ma skit fea­tured Ver­tex and CRISPR Ther­a­peu­tics’ re­cent­ly ap­proved sick­le cell ane­mia gene ther­a­py in a dif­fer­ent way with a hol­i­day spoof on a “Yan­kee Swap” gift ex­change.

Host Kate McK­in­non plays an of­fice man­ag­er who gives a sur­pris­ing gift — en­roll­ment in a Ver­tex and CRISPR pro­gram — to her col­league Win­ston, who suf­fers from sick­le cell ane­mia. When he asks if it’s a new treat­ment, McK­in­non the man­ag­er says, “It’s not a treat­ment, it’s a cure. The FDA just ap­proved exa-cel this week, but there’s a two-year wait­ing list.”

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