Marks rehashes Covid-19 approval timeline, defends vaccines for children at hearing

FDA’s Pe­ter Marks ap­peared be­fore a House pan­el on Thurs­day to field ques­tions on how to im­prove the na­tion’s vac­cine safe­ty sys­tems in the event of an­oth­er pub­lic health emer­gency. He didn’t make it out with­out get­ting caught in the po­lit­i­cal cross­fire over vac­cine mis­in­for­ma­tion.

Marks, who leads the agency’s Cen­ter for Bi­o­log­ics Eval­u­a­tion and Re­search, tes­ti­fied be­fore the House Over­sight Com­mit­tee’s coro­n­avirus se­lect sub­com­mit­tee. Dur­ing his tes­ti­mo­ny, he high­light­ed chal­lenges that the FDA faced in get­ting re­al-time vac­cine safe­ty da­ta through­out the pan­dem­ic.

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