MBrace Therapeutics capitalizes on ADC wave with $85M Series B to enter the clinic this quarter

MBrace Ther­a­peu­tics has raised an $85 mil­lion Se­ries B for a Phase I clin­i­cal tri­al of its first an­ti­body-drug con­ju­gate as in­vestors and Big Phar­mas pump bil­lions of dol­lars in­to AD­Cs, a type of can­cer treat­ment that has bal­looned from a niche of on­col­o­gy R&D to a cen­ter­piece of in­dus­try deal­mak­ing.

The San Diego-based biotech, which is born out of re­search from a Rut­gers Uni­ver­si­ty wife-and-hus­band duo, has two AD­Cs in the works, CEO Isan Chen told End­points News. The start­up is go­ing af­ter new tar­gets with AD­Cs rather than try­ing to be a fast fol­low­er or a me-too type of com­pa­ny try­ing to make the next TROP2-, Nectin4- or HER2-tar­get­ed can­cer treat­ment, the CEO added.

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