Medicare’s first drug negotiation list likely to fuel public pricing discussions for pharma marketers

Who’s on the list? That’s the ques­tion many in the phar­ma in­dus­try are ask­ing to­day about CMS re­leas­ing the names of the first 10 drugs, which will have their prices ne­go­ti­at­ed un­der the In­fla­tion Re­duc­tion Act.

The list, pub­lished Tues­day, is led by Bris­tol My­ers’ Eliquis, Eli Lil­ly’s Jar­diance, John­son & John­son’s Xarel­to, Mer­ck’s Janu­via and As­traZeneca’s Farx­i­ga. It in­cludes many of the most-used Medicare drugs to treat chron­ic con­di­tions. And that’s an im­por­tant point for mar­keters to make.

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