Merck details win for Keytruda in bladder cancer after surgery

Mer­ck’s top-sell­ing can­cer drug Keytru­da cut the risk of blad­der can­cer com­ing back or death af­ter surgery by 31%, ac­cord­ing to new da­ta shared Fri­day morn­ing.

The Phase III study, known as AM­BAS­SADOR or KEYNOTE-123, in­clud­ed just over 700 pa­tients with urothe­lial car­ci­no­ma — the most com­mon type of blad­der can­cer — who were con­sid­ered at high risk for re­lapse fol­low­ing surgery. The pa­tients re­ceived Keytru­da for a year af­ter their pro­ce­dure or were ob­served with­out a place­bo pill.

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