Merck evolves Keytruda ad campaign, building on patient insights and highlighting 16 approvals

Can­cer pa­tients don’t want to be de­fined by their dis­ease. Mer­ck’s lat­est cam­paign for its im­muno-on­col­o­gy block­buster Keytru­da homes in on that in­sight by high­light­ing the pas­sions, work and cre­ativ­i­ty of peo­ple liv­ing with can­cer, in­stead of the con­di­tion it­self.

The “Known For” cam­paign in­cludes two TV com­mer­cials with peo­ple who are known for things such as be­ing a lov­ing par­ent, a free spir­it, a pas­sion­ate artist or for lov­ing the out­doors.

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