Merck inks deal with Unnatural Products; CG Oncology’s upsized IPO; Locus gets $24M from BARDA

Plus, news about Out­look Ther­a­peu­tics and Adicet Bio:

Mer­ck and Un­nat­ur­al Prod­ucts col­lab­o­rate: Per the deal, Mer­ck will make an undis­closed up­front pay­ment to the San­ta Cruz, CA-based biotech and up to $220 mil­lion in mile­stones. The com­pa­nies plan to de­vel­op macro­cyclic ther­a­pies for can­cer. — Jaimy Lee

CG On­col­o­gy up­sizes IPO: The Phase III blad­der can­cer biotech in­creased its of­fer­ing size from 11.8 mil­lion shares to 17 mil­lion shares $CGON, per a SEC fil­ing on Tues­day. At the mid-point of its price range of $17.00, CG would raise about $262.8 mil­lion in its Nas­daq de­but lat­er this month. It set out a $181 mil­lion tar­get last week. — Kyle LaHu­cik

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