Merck is eyeing new immunology deals, chief medical officer says: #JPM24

Mer­ck wants to beef up its im­munol­o­gy pipeline through ad­di­tion­al deals, the Big Phar­ma’s chief med­ical of­fi­cer Eli­av Barr said at an End­points News event on Tues­day.

“We’ll be look­ing for those im­munol­o­gy op­por­tu­ni­ties that we think can com­ple­ment or add a new facet to things,” Barr said.

The big phar­ma, which hous­es the best-sell­ing can­cer med­i­cine Keytru­da, has in­vest­ed sub­stan­tial­ly in im­munol­o­gy in re­cent years, in­clud­ing a $10.8 bil­lion buy­out of Prometheus last year. That deal gave Mer­ck an ex­per­i­men­tal treat­ment for in­flam­ma­to­ry bow­el dis­eases and firm­ly moved the com­pa­ny in­to the im­munol­o­gy field.

Endpoints News

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