Merck KGaA stays positive on CDMO arm’s future despite first-quarter slump

Mer­ck KGaA’s rev­enue from its CD­MO arm dropped in the first quar­ter due to cus­tomer de­stock­ing, but it still ex­pects busi­ness to pick up in the sec­ond half of the year due to the tim­ing of cus­tomer or­ders.

“We may have short-term volatil­i­ty around the de­stock­ing trend. But ac­tu­al­ly, if we look in­to our midterm growth, we are su­per-con­fi­dent that the life sci­ence mar­ket will re­turn,” CFO He­lene von Roed­er told the me­dia on Wednes­day morn­ing.

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