Merck reports another failure for Keytruda-Lynparza combo in non-small cell lung cancer

Mer­ck has once again failed to boost the ef­fects of its PD-1 block­buster Keytru­da by adding As­traZeneca’s PARP in­hibitor Lyn­parza.

When giv­en as a main­te­nance ther­a­py, Lyn­parza and Keytru­da did not re­sult in sur­vival ben­e­fits for cer­tain first-line non­squa­mous non-small cell lung can­cer (NSCLC) pa­tients com­pared to Keytru­da and peme­trexed, a type of chemother­a­py. The com­bo al­so failed to meet its sec­ond pri­ma­ry end­point, pro­gres­sion-free sur­vival, Mer­ck an­nounced Thurs­day.

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