Merck still on the hunt for billion-dollar deals, citing Prometheus and Daiichi Sankyo as examples

Mer­ck is still in pur­suit of deals of a sim­i­lar size and scope to the com­pa­ny’s ac­qui­si­tions of Prometheus Bio­sciences and Ac­celeron, and is will­ing to pay up to $15 bil­lion.

It’s al­so still con­sid­er­ing small­er deals and col­lab­o­ra­tions.

Dur­ing Thurs­day’s fourth-quar­ter earn­ings call, Mer­ck CEO Rob Davis out­lined his views on the drug­mak­er’s port­fo­lio, say­ing he feels good about its progress but he con­tin­ues to “be­lieve we need more.”

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