Merus touts bispecific antibody efficacy data with a later data cut-off in uncommon NRG1+ cancers: #ESMO23

MADRID — Merus un­veiled fur­ther ef­fi­ca­cy da­ta on Mon­day for its bis­pe­cif­ic an­ti­body zeno­cu­tuzum­ab, which fur­ther demon­strates “ro­bust and durable” re­sponse in pa­tients with NRG1+ non-small cell lung and pan­cre­at­ic can­cers.

The com­pa­ny re­it­er­at­ed that it has enough da­ta for a po­ten­tial BLA ap­pli­ca­tion to the FDA in the first half of next year. “We think we’re track­ing re­al­ly well to move this pro­gram for­ward,” CEO Bill Lund­berg told End­points News in an in­ter­view.

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