Mid-stage neuroscience startup Engrail raises $157M

En­grail Ther­a­peu­tics is rid­ing a neu­ro­science tail­wind.

Last year as it set out to raise its lat­est fundrais­ing round, the start­up orig­i­nal­ly tar­get­ed $100 mil­lion to move its pipeline for­ward. But a se­ries of re­cent multi­bil­lion-dol­lar ac­qui­si­tions and large fi­nanc­ings in neu­ro­science boost­ed in­ter­est in the space, and the San Diego com­pa­ny wound up clos­ing a $157 mil­lion Se­ries B on March 14.

“That’s a lux­u­ri­ous po­si­tion to be in, in this dif­fi­cult en­vi­ron­ment,” CEO Vikram Su­darsan said in an in­ter­view with End­points News. The mon­ey will go to­ward a mid-stage test in gen­er­al­ized anx­i­ety dis­or­der and ear­li­er clin­i­cal stud­ies in de­pres­sion and oth­er psy­chi­atric in­di­ca­tions, sup­port­ing the com­pa­ny through the first half of 2026, Su­darsan said.

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