Mirati is once again the center of buyout rumors, and a rival’s adcomm provides a boost

Mi­rati Ther­a­peu­tics is once again at­tract­ing buy­out in­ter­est, this time al­leged­ly from Sanofi, ac­cord­ing to a re­port from Bloomberg on Thurs­day. The biotech’s shares $MRTX surged by rough­ly 45% in re­sponse.

It’s far from the first time Mi­rati has emerged as a po­ten­tial takeover tar­get. Mer­ck re­port­ed­ly con­sid­ered ac­quir­ing the com­pa­ny back in 2021, per a re­port from Bio­Space at the time, as it looked to stave off the up­com­ing Keytru­da patent cliff. And Bloomberg pre­vi­ous­ly re­port­ed last year that un­named Big Phar­ma com­pa­nies were look­ing in­to a buy­out.

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