Moderna decreases mRNA production with Lonza in Switzerland, brings some manufacturing in-house

Mod­er­na is now de­creas­ing pro­duc­tion of mR­NA sub­stance at a Lon­za plant in Switzer­land as the mar­ket for Covid-19 vac­cines wanes and the com­pa­ny’s am­bi­tious plans to launch new prod­ucts and mR­NA med­i­cines out­side of Covid move for­ward.

In a Tues­day state­ment, Mod­er­na said do­ing so will “right-size” its man­u­fac­tur­ing strat­e­gy to be more in line with cur­rent vac­cine de­mands. It plans to large­ly han­dle man­u­fac­tur­ing on its own.

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