Moderna strikes $1.8B cancer research deal with Immatics 

Mod­er­na has inked a deal worth up to $1.8 bil­lion with TCR spe­cial­ist Im­mat­ics that broad­ens the com­pa­ny’s po­si­tion in mR­NA-based can­cer re­search.

The Cam­bridge, MA-based mR­NA gi­ant has promised Im­mat­ics $120 mil­lion up­front and more than $1.7 bil­lion in de­vel­op­ment, reg­u­la­to­ry and com­mer­cial mile­stones for three re­search pro­grams, in­clud­ing one that com­bines Im­mat­ics’ most-de­vel­oped TCR-T can­di­date with a Mod­er­na can­cer vac­cine, ac­cord­ing to an SEC fil­ing on Mon­day morn­ing. The Im­mat­ics pro­gram, IMA203, read out promis­ing ear­ly da­ta in May in a small group of pa­tients with mul­ti­ple pre-treat­ed sol­id tu­mor types.

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