More lab and manufacturing space coming to the UK’s ‘Golden Triangle’

A new life sci­ence cam­pus has been ap­proved to start con­struc­tion in the UK.

Ac­cord­ing to a re­lease, UBS As­set Man­age­ment and the Reef Group, a UK-based de­vel­op­er of life sci­ence fa­cil­i­ties, have got­ten ap­proval to start con­struc­tion on a new £900 mil­lion ($1.1 bil­lion) life sci­ences hub at the Steve­nage Bio­science Cat­a­lyst. The new site is al­so in­side the “gold­en tri­an­gle,” which is de­scribed as the area be­tween the biotech and re­search hubs of Lon­don, Cam­bridge and Ox­ford. This fa­cil­i­ty is set to be built along­side GSK’s ex­ist­ing glob­al R&D fa­cil­i­ty in the cat­a­lyst.

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