More than ‘just a rash’: Incyte taps Mandy Moore in atopic dermatitis campaign

Itchy, in­flamed, peel­ing skin: This is atopic der­mati­tis, ac­cord­ing to ac­tress and singer-song­writer Mandy Moore. As some­one who’s been through it, she’s now part­ner­ing with In­cyte on its “Mo­ments of Clar­i­ty” cam­paign.

The cam­paign high­lights the sto­ries of mild to mod­er­ate eczema pa­tients who’ve sought re­lief with In­cyte’s top­i­cal JAK in­hibitor Opzelu­ra (rux­oli­tinib). While Moore has nev­er been pre­scribed Opzelu­ra, the “This Is Us” star is fea­tured in an in­ter­view with 12-year-old An­na, who has tak­en the drug to help her get back to cheer­lead­ing and play­ing bas­ket­ball.

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