Multi-tasking doctors at home are watching TV and researching pharma ads — on Google and even EMRs, survey finds

Wel­come to the lat­est phar­ma mar­ket­ing hot spot — physi­cians’ liv­ing rooms. Doc­tors are watch­ing TV at home just like every­one else, but not on­ly are they work­ing on pa­tient charts (43%) while they watch, they’re al­so look­ing up prod­ucts, ac­cord­ing to a re­cent sur­vey by Roku.

More than two-thirds (67%) of physi­cians said they re­searched a prod­uct af­ter see­ing a phar­ma ad while watch­ing TV.

“Doc­tors are still reach­able dur­ing their ‘blue jeans mo­ments’ when they take the white coat off and are in re­lax­ation mode, we found that they still have their minds on work,” said Chris Schnei­der, head of Roku’s health and well­ness mar­ket­ing so­lu­tions. “This leads us to be­lieve the liv­ing room couch is kind of an­oth­er new, un­of­fi­cial point of care.”

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