Nestlé Health Science plots next steps for C. diff drug Vowst after robust uptake

Af­ter a bet­ter-than-ex­pect­ed launch, Nestlé Health Sci­ence is plan­ning its next com­mer­cial­iza­tion moves for Vow­st, an oral pill to treat re­cur­ring Clostrid­ioides dif­fi­cile, or C. diff, in­fec­tions.

The first-of-its-kind treat­ment, based on bac­te­r­i­al spores pu­ri­fied from hu­man stool, was ap­proved in April and launched in June. Since then, Vow­st has been pre­scribed by more than 2,000 doc­tors with more than 3,000 pa­tients now on ther­a­py, said Moreno Pe­rug­i­ni, pres­i­dent of ac­tive and med­ical nu­tri­tion and phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal ther­a­pies at Nestlé Health Sci­ence.

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