Neumora, RayzeBio look to each raise $200M+ in IPOs

Two biotech com­pa­nies, Neumo­ra and Rayze­Bio, hashed out their IPO plans Mon­day morn­ing, de­tail­ing hopes to raise around $227 mil­lion and $206 mil­lion, re­spec­tive­ly, in their Nas­daq de­buts.

The com­pa­nies could en­ter the pub­lic mar­ket as soon as this week. Both aim to price their shares be­tween $16 and $18. Neumo­ra, a neu­ro­science start­up, plans to of­fer 14.7 mil­lion shares of com­mon stock un­der the tick­er “NM­RA,” while ra­dio­phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals de­vel­op­er Rayze­Bio plans to list as “RYZB” and of­fer 13.2 mil­lion shares of com­mon stock.

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