Neurocrine launches CAH rare disease education campaign ahead of FDA submission

Neu­ro­crine Bio­sciences’ new­ly-de­buted cam­paign ac­knowl­edges the frus­tra­tion that con­gen­i­tal adren­al hy­per­pla­sia (CAH) pa­tients, fam­i­lies and en­docri­nol­o­gists of­ten feel.

The “What the C@H?!” theme is a tongue-in-cheek play on the pop­u­lar “WTF” phrase, re­flect­ing the dif­fi­cul­ty man­ag­ing the con­di­tion’s symp­toms and treat­ments, but en­cour­ag­ing peo­ple not to be re­signed to it.

“It’s a con­di­tion of both ex­cess and ab­sence,” Neu­ro­crine’s chief com­mer­cial of­fi­cer Er­ic Benevich said, not­ing the care­ful bal­anc­ing act in deal­ing with both the non-pro­duc­tion of cor­ti­sol and its trig­ger­ing of ex­cess pro­duc­tion of an­dro­gen hor­mones.

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