New Biosecure draft features 2032 grandfather clause, five-year grace period for added companies

Drug­mak­ers would have un­til 2032 to cut ties with WuXi AppTec and oth­er Chi­nese life sci­ences com­pa­nies, ac­cord­ing to an up­dat­ed draft of the close­ly watched Biose­cure Act cir­cu­lat­ing ahead of the planned markup Wednes­day.

The draft, in­tro­duced by Rep. Brad Wen­strup (R-OH), would still ef­fec­tive­ly ban com­pa­nies from work­ing close­ly with cer­tain Chi­nese biotechs, but it now in­cludes a clause al­low­ing ex­ist­ing con­tracts with “com­pa­nies of con­cern” to be grand­fa­thered in un­til 2032, as End­points News pre­vi­ous­ly re­port­ed.

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